Acupuncture has been used to treat addiction for more than three decades. Acupuncture treatment increases levels and circulation of neurotransmitters. Prominent effects of acupuncture are increases in the levels of enkephalin, epinephrine, endorphin, serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in the central nervous system and plasma that mediate substance abuse. Additionally, acupuncture provides pain relief, which can mitigate the need for pain medications.
Ear acupuncture is often used to help people in recovery
Auricular or ear acupuncture is the most popular form of acupuncture used to help people with addiction. 1The professional inserts a thin needle into the person’s ear and targets 5 specific areas: 1,2
- Lung Point: improves lung function and alleviates feelings of grief.
- Liver Point: removes toxins from the liver and blood, and curbs aggression.
- Kidney Point: repairs vital organs and eases fears.
- Shen Men: decreases anxiety – also known as the “spirit gate.”
- The Autonomic (or Sympathetic) Point: promotes relaxation and soothing of the nervous system.
Acupuncture is based on the idea that the human body has meridians spread throughout it. When these are stimulated, they can increase the flow of Qi (life energy). Organ function is believed to improve when it becomes unobstructed. 1 [1]. Lin, J., Chan, Y., & Chen, Y. (2012). Acupuncture for the Treatment of Opiate Addiction. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, 1-10. doi:10.1155/2012/739045 [2]. Bruce, L. (2011). Ear Acupuncture: A Tool for Recovery. Yale School of Medicine.
Overcoming drug addiction is an incredibly difficult journey that can require a variety of different approaches and methods in order to be successful. However, an increasing number of studies are showing that acupuncture is an effective tool in treating drug addiction and aiding the detoxification process. In addition to mental health treatment, such as counseling and group therapy, acupuncture can help patients find relief from the temptation, and significantly lower the rate of recidivism. Treatments subdue patient cravings for drugs while also creating feelings of calm and relief from withdrawal symptoms. It is not entirely understood how acupuncture is effective in treating drug addiction. Research results show evidence that acupuncture treatment raises the level of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, in the nervous system, and that raising endorphin levels curtails withdrawal symptoms. However, Chinese medicine explains the efficacy of acupuncture in a different way, describing acupuncture as a way of balancing yin and yang energies. By receiving acupuncture treatments, a person struggling with substance abuse nourishes the yin energy and restores balance.