I am a licensed acupuncturist in Manhattan Beach, California. I became inspired to study the ancient art of acupuncture and Asian Medicine when I sought to understand the deeper meaning of true, radiant health, and that prevention of illness, or maintaining a state of health and balance, is the key to life. This came into focus when I was 18 years old and my mother, an otherwise healthy, vibrant woman had a brain aneurysm. While she did recover and is still living 30 years later, she suffered greatly and the experience radically changed her life. I decide then that I was on a quest for answers about health that had not been answered. I was and still am a voracious reader and researcher on all things health and healing, referencing everything from the ancient wisdom of classic texts, to the latest health innovations and developments in biohacking.
I wasn’t one of the lucky few who knew exactly what I wanted to do when I graduated from Emory University back in the 90’s. Upon graduating, I explored different professional paths that started in hotel management, wound though 2 political campaigns and working in media, both old and new. One thing was always consistent, and that was my passion for helping others, and being and staying well – physically, psychologically and spiritually, as all are deeply interconnected. I enrolled in acupuncture school and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in 2008.
In addition to practicing acupuncture, I have done extensive study and research on menopause and women’s health, somatic therapy, orthopedics, and the treatment of psycho-emotional disorders. I combine my studies, research and intuition to create a unique alchemy that works to wholly treat my patients, in turn shifting the paradigm away from treating symptoms and toward preventing illness and maintaining a state of well being.